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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

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Kidney disease is more dangerous than you think

The disease that Thai people are most unknowingly sick with, up to 17.5%, is “kidney disease”. Because the food that is popularly eaten nowadays has a high sodium content. Which is a trigger for kidney disease, acute kidney failure, chronic kidney failure, pyelonephritis, kidney tissue

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Illegal liquor “Methanol” is dangerous and can be fatal!

Most illegal liquor is produce by manufacturers. Who brew and distill it themselves without standards. It is often found in herbal liquor, fake liquor. Or illegal liquor that is brew. And distilled by themselves. Which may have foreign substances mixed in to claim that it

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8 popular diseases that come with summer

In the summer, in addition to the extremely hot weather, we also have to deal with diseases that often come with the hot sun. As we know, the hot sun is suitable for the growth of certain types of bacteria, especially bacteria that cause digestive

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Food poisoning, delicious in the mouth, difficult in the body

Food poisoning is a condition cause by eating food or water contaminated with bacteria. Causing symptoms of nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and watery diarrhea. These symptoms indicate “ food poisoning.” How to take care of yourself when you have food poisoning Treatment of food poisoning: Usually, the

Nutrients that the body needs in a day.

Nutrition is an important part of our daily lives. Because these nutrients provide the body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. The human body needs a variety of nutrients. including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals to maintain good health. carbohydrate Carbohydrates are essential nutrients that

“Hand dermatitis”, a hit of working age from touching

The Institute of Skin Diseases, Department of Medical Services, reveals that people who have occupations where their hands come into contact with water regularly People. Who have had atopic dermatitis in childhood Risk of skin disease on the hands Caused by chemicals or substances that cause irritation Suggest ways

5 herbs to help reduce “body odor”

Our home is a hot and humid city. which is also a factor That causes many people to have body odor because body odor is caused by the accumulation of bacteria from sweat, from germs, fungi on the skin and clothes, plus the hot weather and humidity in the

Thai fruits are used as medicines.

Thai fruits are more useful than you think. Professor Netnapis Thananiwetkul from the Institute of Nutrition Research Mahidol University explains that vitamins and minerals that our body receives from eating fruits every day. is like a lubricant that makes engines or processes of the body can function normally In addition,

Burning energy and fat while running

Burning energy and fat while running. As mentioned, the body’s energy metabolism does not involve burning energy from starch in the muscles (glycogen) or fat alone. But the body uses different amounts of energy from both sources. It depends on the duration and exercise activity.